

Bay Residency program.

In the founding of the Morning Bay winery Bay Residency program I was required to develop the marketing materials, writing content and blog space for the project.

The residency program being hosted on an island directed the project's marketing collateral within a tourism theme.
Instead of rack cards or typical hand-bills I developed post cards for the opening receptions enabling both locals and tourists alike the opportunity to reach out to friends and family off island. This aspect also enabled the extended opportunity for promotion and exposure of the residency program, winery and contributing artists.

The front (above left) features a selected work of the artist in residency on (matt coated) cougar stock paper.
While the back of the post-card closely adheres to Canda-Post mail standards for layout and is un-coated to allow for writing.
The back also hosts the cover image's title and media information in the lower left corner of the card below the exhibition info.
Located on the right hand side of the card a 'To' address field.